Zoo Excess

Zoo Excess

somethingdontdoLast week’s settlement between the Pittsburgh Zoo and a family whose 2-year old boy was killed by the zoo’s wild dogs has restarted the conversation about the roll zoos play, today.

In November, 2011, a Mom lifted her 2-year old onto a railing above an exhibit of wild dogs. The boy lunged forward out of the mother’s grip and fell into the exhibit where he was fatally attacked by the dogs.

The zoo had complied with industry and national safety regulations but did increase the barriers following the incident. That was one of the key points used by the parents in suing the zoo for negligence.

The details of the suit remain confidential, but the debate has widened beyond whether African predator exhibits are safe, to whether they’re humane or even necessary.

Zoos have been transforming themselves over my lifetime from institutions that display wildlife to institutions that study and conserve the wilderness.

If there’s a trend, it’s actually for fewer zoos and fewer displayed animals, although the zoos that exist are becoming larger and their displays are becoming much more elaborate.

Wild dog, relevant to this story, have likely been saved from extinction by U.S. zoos. They were in a dramatic decline several decades ago when conservation organizations led by zoos worked up a dramatic master plan to save them.

Numerous initiatives began, including habitat preservation, but unique to the wild dogs’ situation emerged a remedy that was specially effective.

Pet dogs living at the edges of wild dog habitat were transmitting common diseases that were wiping out the wild dog population in exactly the same way early American colonists wiped out native Americans with smallpox.

Inoculating pet dogs may have saved the wild dogs from extinction but it also contributed to a somewhat unexpected increase in the health of the people living nearby as well. The Lincoln Park Zoo discovered that its dog inoculation program prevented 250 human deaths annually from rabies.

The two decades long initiative to save wild dogs from extinction worked, and it is understandable that these organizations want to celebrate their success.

One of the ways is by displaying wild dogs to the public. In a healthy state, the dogs are prolific breeders and like almost all predators, their numbers are approaching saturation in the captive animal population.

So many zoos are newly trading them around, and many more zoos are beginning to display them.

It’s very difficult for me to appreciate the displaying aspect of a zoo, and I struggle to do so by recognizing that very few people in the world have the opportunities that I do to experience the wild.

But that mantra which has maintained my esteem for zoos over my life time is increasingly challenged by the massive advancements in technology. Whether it’s YouTube or online learning, holographic or 3-D projection, the modern world has increasingly better ways to “display” a wild creature.

The “display” of a real life creature always falls short of the awesome reality. But how short is short is becoming the increasingly important question.

In Zoo Miami, only a pane of glass separates little boys from angry beasts (see blog photo above), and frankly I think that’s an unprofessional leap to reduce the difference between “display” and “real life.”

But if adequate protection of observers from the instincts of predators ends up creating such a barrier, then it might just be better to get the kid an xBox.

Or, more to the point, perhaps the zoo should replace its display with a giant xBox.

6 thoughts on “Zoo Excess

  1. U r absolutely right. What is the need for displaying animals when the kids today have more visual equipment than they could use? Hence, why do zoos even have animals that are not being saved from extinction or rehabilitated?

  2. gosh, I almost was agreeing with you on most points. Until the end. This may sound harsh but I feel that zoos should not have to be responsible for idiot adults and irresponsible parents (assuming they take reasonable precautions in exhibit design). But thanks for the shout out to Lincoln Park Zoo for Serengeti Health Initiative project which I am proud to say I help on (by doing volunteer work)

  3. Hi Jim…
    Yes… zoos should be responsible in how they exhibit their collection with regard to both the safety of the visitor and the “entertainment factor” which draws the visitor to the zoo. But I disagree that any 2-dimensional or even 3-D interactive “exhibit” of an animal leads to a strong feeling of care for or wish to preserve that animal. It’s just not possible to care deeply for somebody you’ve never met. Our family has a long history with Lincoln Park Zoo and we just can’t imagine that the live experience can possibly be recreated, even on a 72″ screen. It is the live experience that makes the media representations more meaningful, and vice versa. Cheers… Ed

  4. I realize this is incongruent: I love zoos and hate seeing animals in captivity. Perhaps zoos should only exhibit higher life forms which are endangered/being bred/being rehabbed. I think the Pittsburgh Zoo was blameless (condolences to child’s family.)

  5. Complicated. I like the idea of major zoos helping to preserve endangered species, rather than simply displaying animals. What really turns me off are small, ill-equipped and poorly run zoos where the owners are just out to make a few bucks and the animals have no kind of life at all. They should be monitored by the government, offenders put out of business and the animals, if in good enough shape, placed in larger, well-maintained and managed zoos or euthanized if beyond help.

    During my childhood I spent many happy hours at Brookfield and Lincoln Park Zoos in Chicago, which I think have well-designed habitats,
    responsible keepers and interesting educational programs. So I guess with me it’s whether a zoo has a worthwhile mission — other than making as much profit as possible — and is thoughtful and caring in regard to the animals.

  6. Jim,
    Great article – presents a wide range of factors. Didn’t we meet though a Zoo when I was working there? Still love them.

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