Election Day Night Whatever

Election Day Night Whatever

VotedEhElection Day in America is of no interest whatever in Africa, completely unlike the elections two years ago. Do Africans know something we do, too?

Two years ago the African press was filled with American election news. Yesterday and today I could hardly find a single story.

“A handful of toss-up US Senate races this week could hold the key to whether the stock market glides through the year-end in a typical post-midterm election rally,” from South Africa’s MoneyWeb on-line business service is typical of ‘that’s about it.’

Not even blogs, exploding about the American election two years ago, were interested.

To virtually every African, of whatever politics or economic class, the outcome of today’s election in the United States means virtually nothing.

The only relevant if annoying interest is whether there will be a clear outcome, and that muddy situation seems of interest only to high-end investors in Africa:

Reminding readers of the situation with George Bush and the uncertain election then, MoneyWeb worries that an uncertain outcome in the Senate will make the markets volatile.


Kenyans’ election commission leaders will actually be on hand in the U.S. to witness the election.

“There is a lot to learn from this election. As you know, America has very advanced electoral institutions that can be very helpful to us in our quest to improve the way we conduct our elections,” the commission’s chairman said today in Washington.

So one must ask: to what avail?

Democracy isn’t what it used to be, in my opinion. My views, your views, figure less than ever in what is happening in our country or community.

My reasons for this are probably yours, too: if it isn’t that I’m being swayed or fooled, lied to or tricked by fancy ads and robo calls and well groomed former leaders under lights, I’m just too darn fed up with the whole thing.

Nothing seems to change. Not for my way or your way. The old guys are still in power.

Hillary vs Bush? Wow, now that’s a fresh of breath air, ain’t it?

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