Travelers Unite!

Travelers Unite!

The most important electoral group in our current election is … travelers. I’m not crazy. I’m just old. (Beating around the bush is terrifying.) America has only two years after the election to craft its survival, and travelers could tip the scales.

I’m not talking about ditching Trump. A wave of anti-Republican voting to the very basement of down-ballot voting is necessary for America to survive. The wicked wizards who stole the Republican ideology have to be annihilated.

Curiosity seeks the new and novel. Finding the new and novel is an accomplishment that relaxes the soul. That’s what travelers do.

It doesn’t matter where or how big the journey is. For me it means mapping the most remote and unvisited parts of Africa’s wilderness. For my neighbor it’s the water slide at Saugatuck. The key is the journey.

The thieves of Republican ideology are destroying us travelers. Obviously with the pandemic, but overall by fomenting an horrible stigma over us as elites and dilettantes.

Every nationalist movement in history from Caesar to Hitler needs scapegoats. As a revolution forms, the less privileged suffer the most and become the greatest threat to the regime.

The regime hides behind curtains while conscripting stand-ins like Trump who can be thrown under the bus as needed. But that’s not enough. They need other barn-yard critters to flog.

As the economy tanks who is more obviously to blame than the happy family in their SUV heading out for a weekend to Saugatuck? That’s the point, folks.

Almost everybody who isn’t suffering right now is a traveler and always has been. Disposable income is one of the clearest metrics that distinguish the privileged from the unprivileged.

Travelers are anarchists. Can’t you see it? Sit on a bench and count the planes taking off or the SUV’s sailing by. See? They’re all travelers.

Once the suffering buy into such nonsense there are no limits to the absurdity the regime will try:

A quarter of America’s lowest wage earners have lost their jobs. So pin the loss on … Well, how about Obama? Or Hillary? Or let’s get random, today, how about AG Barr?

Thirteen thugs were just arrested for trying to kidnap and kill the Michigan governor. Add to their list of unspeakable charges an irritatingly minimalist vocabulary. Because they’re unable to explain themselves very well the President can pin their wrap on the governor.

The only way to annihilate this regime is from top to bottom and after the election we’ve got only two years. America doesn’t change; It rebels.

Not even Sanders or Warren could in two years refashion America solidly enough that 2022 wouldn’t result in another radical swing of the pendulum… Unless all the tools are in place:Constitutional Amendments.

Successful gerry-unmandering. Hammering the Senate back to majority rule. Packing the court. Prosecuting Trumpians. Decapitating the fossil fuel and pharmaceutical industries. Medicare for All. Breaking up the billionaires and their corporate monsters.

In two years.

That’s all we have.

Travelers, unite.

Curiosity seeks the new and novel. Finding the new and novel is an accomplishment that relaxes the soul. That’s what travelers do.

It doesn’t matter where or how big the journey is. For me it means mapping the most remote and unvisited parts of Africa’s wilderness. For my neighbor it’s the water slide at Saugatuck. The key is the journey.

The thieves of Republican ideology are destroying us travelers. Obviously with the pandemic, but overall by fomenting an horrible stigma over us as elites and dilettantes.

Every nationalist movement in history from Caesar to Hitler needs scapegoats. As a revolution forms, the less privileged suffer the most and become the greatest threat to the regime. The regime hides behind curtains while conscripting stand-ins like Trump who can be thrown under the bus as needed. But that’s not enough. They need other barn-yard critters to flog.

As the economy tanks who is more obviously to blame than the happy family in their SUV heading out for a weekend to Saugatuck? That’s the point, folks.

Almost everybody who isn’t suffering right now is a traveler and always has been. Disposable income is one of the clearest metrics that distinguish the privileged from the unprivileged.

Travelers are the anarchists. Can’t you see it? Sit on a bench and count the planes taking off or the SUV’s sailing by. See? They’re all travelers.

Once the suffering buy into such nonsense there are no limits to the absurdity the regime will try:

A quarter of America’s lowest wage earners have lost their jobs. So pin the loss on .. Well, how about Obama? Or Hillary? Or let’s get random, today, how about AG Barr?

Thirteen thugs were just arrested for trying to kidnap and kill the Michigan governor. I would add to their list of egregious charges an irritating vocabulary. Because they’re unable to say very much, the President pins their wrap on the governor.

The only way to annihilate this regime is from top to bottom and after the election we’ve got only two years. America doesn’t change; it rebels. Not even Sanders or Warren could in two years refashion America solidly enough that 2022 wouldn’t result in another radical swing of the pendulum… Unless all the tools are in place:

Constitutional Amendments. Successful gerry-unmandering. Hammering the Senate back to majority rule. Packing the court. Prosecuting Trumpians. Decapitating the fossil fuel and pharmaceutical industries. Medicare for All. Breaking up the billionaires and their corporate monsters.

In two years.

That’s all we have.

Travelers, unite.

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